We guarantee to our clients the transparency of financial flows, tax compliance and the integrity of all bookkeeping transactions.

Our fundamental principle – to stay always close to the client, to be “inside” his accounting system, the processes of the company.

Our agency providing outsourced bookkeeping services was set up in 2016. During these years the number of our clients has increased tenfold, providing the company with experience and expertise in such areas as catering, manufacturing, provision of services, trade, healthcare, IT services etc.

Our team consists of experienced and professional bookkeeping specialists with experience in leading positions.

The Agency has been granted the status of member of the State Revenue Service’s In-depth Cooperation Programme (bronze level), has the professional civil liability insurance of the outsourcing accountant.


Ligita Siveca, CEO and owner of SolConto

I have been always thinking, but have not been able to find the right answer, what makes a client believe that we are going to be the right provider of accounting services. Professionalism, competence and honesty are crucial, of course. But trust in this business isn't actually based on logical considerations, even though the world of numbers is very rational. I guarantee the quality of our services with my name and reputation, and it is of great importance to me.

What we offer


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Our client testimonials


It feels like SolConto works 24/7.Whatever I ask for, everything is always done. Human attitude, individual approach combined with perfect legislation, tax policy knowledge and the ability to find a solution in any situation – this, in my opinion, makes this accounting agency one of the best in Latvia.

Dainis Domiņš
board member of Bodo Ltd., Bodose Ltd.

Working with SolConto is easy, fast and proactive. What I particularly appreciate is the understanding of my business specifics, the ability to focus on my needs without delay, as well as responsiveness and punctuality in any situation.

Agata Anča
Talentor Latvia, partner and senior consultant

There are accounting agencies that work mechanically like robots. SolConto's work style and attitude towards the client is informal, interested and human – it is always open for in-depth consultations and discussion of important and urgent issues.

Vladimirs Dovidenko
Jahipaun Ltd., store manager

SolConto is a professional partner – competent, reliable, and focused on modern solutions. Services are always provided within agreed terms and in accordance with the methodology and instructions. Daily cooperation is fast, which is more than important to us.

Rihards Ponomarjovs
SIA Cronimet Latvia, purchasing manager